
I got a new job.

After 12 years of working for a medical device company, I made the very difficult decision to pursue another career opportunity. In June 2016 I said goodbye and farewell to co-workers I had worked with every day since I was 21 years old. I will miss them, but I am happy for social media and the ability to stay in touch with them.

On Wednesday June 29th I started a new job in Marketing for a company called Nearmap. This company holds a lot of promise for the future and I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of it. I have learned a lot during my past week working here and I hope to stay put for quite some time.

Down 50 lbs.

In the Fall of 2014, Howie and I were faced with a trial that took some...overcoming. In the end, it really made us stronger and helped us to rely on each other.

As a result of this trial, the pounds came piling on. I wasn't in a good place and it showed. The photo on the left is me in July 2015...the one on the right was taken just a couple of weeks ago. 50 pounds lighter. 50! It's such an amazing feeling.

I am proud of all of my hard work and wanted to share. I hope to keep up this healthier lifestyle that I have found.

I really don't want to have to lose that much weight ever again.



Tonight I will walk in The David Eccles School of Business' Graduation Convocation Ceremony and this August I will officially graduate from the University of Utah.

It's such a great feeling. I can't tell you how much this degree means to me. I've worked so hard for it. I've had some really great experiences throughout my schooling and I've had some really horrible experiences. School has always been something that I've felt just average at. I've never been what I consider a stellar student. School has never come very naturally to me. It's been something that I have constantly worked at. Forming study habits is hard. You need to stay really dedicated and focused and never stop working toward your goal. There were some classes that I felt were going to get the best of me, but I kept at them until I was able to get through it. I have learned so much. I am a huge advocate for continuing your education and IT'S NEVER TOO LATE to go back and get your degree.

Apply yourself.

You can do it.

Stretch yourself further than you feel is possible. Push your limits. Get out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there. I am so thankful for all of the teachers I've had (even the bad ones). Each of them have helped me see and reach my true potential. I have formed new friendships with classmates that I will always have. I've met some awesome people.

It's all been worth it. Every last bit.

"Never, never, never give up"
--Winston Churchill


(my superwoman pose! ha!)


You are worth it.

While perusing Facebook today I came across a post that I really needed to read. I'd like to always remember it so, I'm also posting it here.

Your worth is not outside of you.

Oftentimes we put high value on jobs, titles, income, relationships, opinions of others, weight, status, cars, clothes, rank, position, achievements, etc. to give us our sense of our worth. While we can appreciate all of those things and enjoy them, your worth is never in a title, the number on a scale, a bank account, or in someone else's hands. 

You are your most valuable opinion of you.

If you've given your power away to something outside of you, gently own it and return it to where it belongs - with yourself. By choosing to nurture and consciously grow a relationship with you - self care, health, positive mindset, valuing you and your needs - you will increase your confidence, self love, and overall enjoyment in your life. And a major perk of doing so? You will attract more love, success, and great experiences with others since you're coming from a full embodiment of self, a wholeness, and a sense of abundance versus scarcity of self esteem.

When we need others or external things to validate us, we are often left wanting and neurotic waiting on the ship to come in. It may come. It may not. It may come and stay. It may not. It's like a roller coaster run by someone else.

Decide to proactively lead your own life. To nurture and invest in you and your sense of self worth.

You are worth it. 

Even though I'm outside of you telling you that you're worth it, decide to take my advice and make it your own. Implement it and you will discover the best relationship of your life - which in turn will uplevel all of your other relationships as a bonus. As you come from love, you have love to give.

Cheering you on, 
Tiffany Peterson

She is one wise lady. Such an inspiration and she really has a way with words.

Thanks for sharing, Tiffany.


A Lemon Cake

I got home last night from my class from Hell and found out that my new Visiting Teacher had stopped by to introduce herself.

She left a note and a lemon cake.

The note read:

"Hi, I'm your VERY negligent visiting teacher. I've been bad. I can't make my past go away, but going forward I'm going to try to be there for you with visits, and always a ready, listening heart and ear. Please forgive me and accept my peace offering of a small lemon cake. Phone me any time."

Her timing was impeccable. This gesture meant so much to me and her note (even though she may not have meant for it to) made me cry. Visiting teaching is a wonderful thing. It forces each of us out of our comfort zone, which in turn makes the recipient of that service feel that much more special that you made the effort.

I love this work.


Trip to Las Vegas and Disneyland

This past October, over Fall break from school, Howie and I decided to go on a little road trip.  We stopped in Vegas for two nights before we headed on to Disneyland fun for three whole days.  Then we stayed over in Vegas another night before heading home.  We had SO. MUCH. FUN.

For our first stay in Vegas we got tickets to see a show called KA.  It's a Cirque Du Soleil show at the MGM Grand.  It was visually one of the best things I've ever seen.  Coolest show ever.  It was quite expensive to go to it, but I'd say it was worth it.  We stayed one night at Bally's and another at the Paris.  I wish we would've just stayed at the Paris both nights.  Bally's was sort of a dive.  The Paris was awesome.  We walked the strip, ate a lot of good food, and watched all the crazies that hang out in that area.  My goodness.  There are a lot.  We saw a guy at one point that was holding a sign that said "For $10 you can kick me in the nuts."  Poor guy will never be able to have children...maybe that's not such a bad thing.  We tried our very first frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity's.  Wow, they are good.

Two days in smokey Las Vegas was enough for us.  We were on to bigger and better things...Disneyland!  Our hotel was literally right across the street from the main entrance to the park.  We had three day park hopper passes to use as we wished, and we did.  Howie hadn't been to Disneyland since he was a little kid so, I was so excited to take him.  And neither of us had ever been to California Adventure so, that was new for both of us.  California Adventure really impressed me.  Especially the above pictured Paradise Pier.  It was so freaking cool!  We absolutely loved that big white roller coaster in the background (California Screamin').  We must've rode it almost 10 times.  Space Mountain (in Disneyland) is probably my favorite still.  We rode that one a few times, too.  Still awesome.

After three filled days of the happiest place on earth we headed back to Las Vegas.  This time we got to see David Copperfield.  Childhood dream come true!  It was kind of funny seeing him in person.  He's getting old.  It's kind of sad.  But his hair is still (dyed) as black as ever!  Howie got to semi-participate in the show.  He got picked to pick the next people to go up on stage.  I wish he could've gone up on stage.  That would've been a moment to remember!  He hates being the center of attention!

I'm just glad we got to do something fun for once over Fall break.  I'm always the loser that comes back to school and all I have to show for Fall break is completed homework.  That is so lame.  This time I was one of the cool kids.  Best Fall break ever.


Witches Night Out

Last night was our annual trip to Gardner Village's Witches Night Out.  We had a blast as always.  This year I decided to not be a witch and dressed as Mary Poppins instead.  Wow, that costume is envied.  When I told Howie that I was going to be Mary Poppins he said to me "Everybody loves Mary Poppins."  At the time I just shrugged his comment off because Mary Poppins was his most favorite movie while growing up.  But, he wasn't kidding. EVERYBODY loves Mary Poppins!  People seriously light up when they figure out you're her.  It was SO fun to be her.

The girls were going to meet me at Sizzler for dinner prior to going over to Gardner Village.  As I sat there awaiting their arrival, a cute older couple came in.  The gentleman leaned down to me and said "You look very nice."  and smiled.  I appreciatively said "Thank you!" and he carried on his way.  I really hope he put together that I was Mary Poppins!  Haha, I'd hate for him to think I go out on any given Saturday night to my local Sizzler's all dressed up like that.

At Gardner Village I got attention from people, as well.  In fact, as we danced the night away there was a small group of younger boys (around early 20's) that were kind of watching us all dance.  One, in particular, seemed quite taken with my ensemble.  Who knew it would have such an effect?

After we had had our fill of dancing and Witches, Cheryl, Chauntay, Genelle, and I all went to Cold Stone for some much needed ice cream.

After saying goodbye to the girls I headed over to make an appearance at my friend Dan's house for his annual Halloween party.  I've known Dan for years now.  He and I went to Jr. and Senior High School together.  He's a real hoot.
Once again, my costume was a huge hit!  One girl at the party couldn't get over how cute my costume was.  "Best costume here!" she exclaimed.  "The best!"  (I think she had already had a little bit to drink.)  When I first walked in to Dan's house there was a couple sitting on the couch (I feel I need to specify that they were a gay couple, the story will make more sense!).  One of the guys could only partially see my costume at first, but the hat was a dead giveaway.  "Oh my gosh, are you Mary Poppins?!  I want to see!  Come here!"  I laughed and said "Yes."  I walked over to show him my complete costume.  "How adorable are you?  You are so cute."  I just smiled and thanked him.  (I was still in shock at how much attention this costume was getting me.)

Another successful Witches Night Out!  I have loved the tradition this has come to be.  Can't wait for next year!  I already have some costume ideas going!


I love babies!

My cousin gave birth to two beautiful twin babies two weekends ago!  I got to go and see them last Sunday.  They were too precious.  They've named them Alyssa and Allison.  This makes a total of 5 girls for their little family.  All of them are just adorable.

They are two little bundles of joy.  I love babies!



Life has been very simple this year.

I am still loving my new job as a Marketing Associate with the company I have now been with for over 9 years (feelin' old).  It's definitely a better fit for me than what I was doing previously.  Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for my time in Customer Service, but I am also glad that it is behind me.  Onward and upward.

Howie has been working a new job at his same company, too.  He now works as a bread mixer.  I'm not sure he likes it any better than his previous position, but the hours are a little better.  At least he's working days now.  Those night shifts were rough.  After 5 years of marriage I have to finally start adjusting to sleeping with someone.  I'm used to having nights to myself, but it sure is nice having him around.

School is going at a good pace.  I took this past summer off because I was getting a little burned out.  It was a nice 3 month break.  I really needed it.  I was able to start the Fall semester refreshed and ready to learn again.  I'm enjoying my time at the U.  It's a great school and I'm proud to be a part of it.

Howie and I both got new cars!  I got a 2013 Nissan Rogue and Howie got a 2013 Nissan Altima.  We love them both.  The Rogue is really fun to drive.  It suits me so much better than my old Mazda.  Both of our cars were 10+ years old and we felt it was time for an upgrade.

I'm happy to say that since this photo was taken I have lost 10 pounds.  It's just like me to schedule a family photo shoot, hate the way I look after the fact, and THEN lose the weight.  Yes, I am dieting again.  I don't really look at it as a diet though because I'm still eating what I want.  I've joined Weight Watchers and I really like it.  My friends, family, and coworkers have become intimately aware of "points" and what foods hold what point value.  I remind them all the time.  "Are you sure you want another bagel?  They're like 9 or 10 points each."  "That small bag of chips, juice drink, and cookie you're eating?  That would be a meal's worth of points for me."

Another bit worth mentioning is that I have become almost completely vegetarian.  I know, I never thought this day would come either.  I've been watching a number of documentaries lately and doing a bit of research.  I will eat chicken occasionally (hence the "almost") but the plan is to go completely vegetarian soon.  Definitely off of red meat.  No red meat for me.  I am still continuing to research it, but I tell ya, I have lost a lot of trust in our public food system.  It makes me sick, to be honest.

Anyway, that is what's going on in the Gardner residence.  I'll try to start posting regularly again.