Tonight I will walk in The David Eccles School of Business' Graduation Convocation Ceremony and this August I will officially graduate from the University of Utah.
It's such a great feeling. I can't tell you how much this degree means to me. I've worked so hard for it. I've had some really great experiences throughout my schooling and I've had some really horrible experiences. School has always been something that I've felt just average at. I've never been what I consider a stellar student. School has never come very naturally to me. It's been something that I have constantly worked at. Forming study habits is hard. You need to stay really dedicated and focused and never stop working toward your goal. There were some classes that I felt were going to get the best of me, but I kept at them until I was able to get through it. I have learned so much. I am a huge advocate for continuing your education and IT'S NEVER TOO LATE to go back and get your degree.
Apply yourself.
You can do it.
Stretch yourself further than you feel is possible. Push your limits. Get out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there. I am so thankful for all of the teachers I've had (even the bad ones). Each of them have helped me see and reach my true potential. I have formed new friendships with classmates that I will always have. I've met some awesome people.
It's all been worth it. Every last bit.
"Never, never, never give up"
--Winston Churchill
(my superwoman pose! ha!)