Today was the blessed event that I've been waiting for for two months now! This is the first walk/run I've participated in...EVER. I was so excited to do it. I've always wanted to do something like this. We've decided we're going to make this a tradition to do every year. We had a lot of fun. Here is Barbara, my mother-in-law, and I waiting for the race to start.
This is Dottie and her daughter Jaci. Dottie is in my ward and I told her about the race and she was totally interested! We're so glad they could come along.
The event had over 1,300 people register to run or walk so, there were tons of people. Here is everyone waiting for the race to start.
More people waiting for the race to get going.
And....we're off! We all signed up to do the 5K walk, but next year we fully plan on doing the run. It's only two laps around Sugar House Park. We can totally do that!
I got the BEST bib number! What better number to give someone that is always number 1 but...
After the race, they provided all kinds of refreshment for us. They had mini-fat boy ice cream sandwiches, bananas, oranges, bagels, water and juice.
They also provided FREE MASSAGES! We totally took them up on that! Even though I didn't do anything strenuous, it was still nice to get a rub down after it was all said and done.
Hopefully we'll be able to get more people to do this with us next year. Most of my friends bailed out or had other things going on, so it was just us four that went.
They had a thing called "Diva Night" the night before. Boy, was that lame. I had hoped for a lot more than that turned out to be. I guess I expected way too much. It was just a hotel event room with a bunch of little booths set up for vendors. It was mostly vendors that wanted to help us "loose inches off your waist!" and lame crap like that. Boooooring. But the race was a lot of fun. Who knows? Maybe we'll even do the 10K next time. The girl that won the 10K did it in 40 minutes and 10 seconds. Can you believe that? That's crazy! I'd have to really train to get up to where she is. Six miles in 40 minutes. Wow.
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