
The Hunger Games

I just thought I'd share what I'm reading lately. Since I finished the Harry Potter series (finally) I decided to try out a reccomendation from Stephenie Meyer, the author of Twilight. On her website (http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/) she highly reccomends The Hunger Games in one of her posts. So, out of curiousity I check out the reviews on Amazon.com. They seem pretty good. Everyone is raving about it and how they just cannot get enough. How they "hunger" for more Hunger Games. So, I ordered it right then and there. It's supposed to be the first in a new series from this Suzanne Collins. So far, i'm intrigued. The whole premise of the book is quite interesting. I've never heard anything like it. I have now gotten to a part in the book where I feel I cannot put it down. This author is really big into ending each chapter with a cliff-hanger! Anyway, so far i've enjoyed it. I have a feeling if they ever make a movie out of it it will be quite violent. Unless they choose to elaborate on the love story. If you like to read and are trying to find something new, I would say to give this one a shot.


Lisa said...

Yay, I'll have to check it out, I'm always looking for a good read :).

Tyler and Julia said...

Ooooo, I love to read; thanks for the recommendation! :)