
Flight of the Conchords - May 17th, 2009

I was SO excited to attend The Flight of the Conchords concert on Sunday at Abravanel Hall. My good friend, Henry, got tickets and I ended up going with him. He didn't know of anyone else that was as crazy about them as me, so it only made sense to let me come along! They were so funny! They have quite a few crazy fans after them. There were some girls in the front row that were constantly trying to get their attention. I took my camera to take some pictures of some highlights, but I was afraid to use my flash. There were lots of other people around me using their flash and I think the people in front of us were getting annoyed so I didn't even try it. Here's the best picture that came from it.Here is a semi-blurry photo of them singing "I'm Not Crying". They told Mark, the guy that was working the lights, to "make it appear as though they were in a teardrop". That's when the lights all went blue. They are hilarious.My favorite moment of the evening was when Bret held his hand out to a girl and she took that as an open invitation to jump up on stage! He quickly let go of her hand and walked away saying "SECURITY!"

I ran into a cousin I don't get to see very often at the concert. I had no idea he was a FOTC fan! The things you find out at concerts. He even wore a FOTC t-shirt! I wore mine, too. This is what mine looks like
If you watched season 1 you would get it! Anyway, it was a blast and I can't wait until they come back to Salt Lake again. Thanks Henry!

Here is some Flight of the Conchords love just in case you don't know who they are

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