
Tracy Aviary

Today Howie and I took a trip to the local
Tracy Aviary.
First thing we did was watch the bird show.
This large Emu bird came out to get some grub.
It was huge!
It was Vulture Awareness Day at the Aviary so, of course, they had to bring out their Turkey Vultures.
They are probably the ugliest birds I've ever seen.
We saw many birds...
But, I did have my favorites.
And here they are...
Toucans are the coolest looking birds.
And this little fella was so cute
I really felt like I could just take him out of his cage and cuddle him.
(Probably wouldn't have been a good idea though.)

It was the perfect day to visit a place like this.  The sun was shinning and I was happy to be out in it.
It's nice to do something different for a change.

1 comment:

Tyler and Julia said...

I was pleasantly surprised by Tracy Aviary. We loved it when we went earlier this year; the kids especially. Btw Tara, your hair is SO gorgeous, I LOVE it! :)