We have joined the masses.
I'm a little scared and out of my element.
Howie and I wanted a new computer and so we decided to go with an iMac. The sales guy assured us that the transition would be easy so, I hope he is right. So far I've just taken it out of the box, plugged it in, and connected it to the internet. I already like it, but I've yet to really delve into it.
It's an interesting feeling walking out of the store you just dropped some serious cash in and flaunting to the world the expensive piece of technology you've just purchased. Howie and I both felt it. We left our local Best Buy with that huge iMac box and it was like "Here we are. Look at us and our expensive, new, modern, computer." We got to the car and Howie said to me "I almost felt like we were going to get mugged." I laughed and said "You felt that, too?!" Really scary.
Right now I have our old computer set up on our big iMac box...on the floor...so I can blog about our new computer. It's 11 o'clock at night and I'm in no mood to be reading instruction manuals.
I'm sure I'll be like every other Mac owner and take a picture of myself hugging it at some point. Or become completely obsessed like this gal. (one of my favorite You Tubers)
But for now I'm going to bed.
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