
Favorite Childhood Christmas Gifts

I read a recent blog post from a friend of mine (Julia!) and decided to share some of my favorite childhood Christmas gifts, as well. There are so many, but these are the ones that stick-out to me the most. The first would have to be our McDonald's Drive-Thru. Yes, one year Santa brought us a McDonald's Drive-Thru to share.It had a cash register, fake food, an opening drive-thru window and even a patty "burner" that made sizzling sounds. We all loved our McDonald's Drive-Thru. I found these pictures on Ebay. They are advertising this as a "Vintage McDonald's Drive-Thru Set". Hahaha.
Vintage indeed.

Next on my list would have to be our Barbie Camping Tent sets. They came with sleeping bags and pillows, too. You can kind of see the tip of mine in this picture:Don't I look so excited? :) I believe Santa had my Grandpa help him with these. My Grandpa used to reupholster furniture for a living so, he was pretty handy when it came to stuff like this. We used to take our Barbie tents with us every time we went camping. We loved them!
And last, but certainly not least, my She-Ra get-up! I was so excited to get this!

My brother had a thing for He-man so, naturally, I had to love She-Ra! Dang, look at all those Christmas presents! I was so spoiled. What can I say, Santa loved me. This was a fun trip down memory lane. I encourage everyone else to post what some of their favorite Christmas gifts were!

1 comment:

Tyler and Julia said...

Cute pictures! You were such a cute little girl. I remember those McDonald's drive thrus, & I especially remember She-Rah! I once had a She-Rah doll that I absolutely loved for the longest time.