
Recent Happenings

I'm still working on my dress.
It's a project that is getting there slowly, but surely.
I'm such a little busy bee.

The other night I made an amazing peach cobbler...
It turned out delicious even though I did it wrong.
Next time I will follow the instructions, but I'm glad it was still edible.

I de-cluttered my closets. (yes, I use two!)
There used to be an article of clothing on each and every one of those hangers.
I finally got rid of all of my "Oh, if I just lose 5 pounds" clothes.
(Mostly because it's increased to "Oh, if I just lose 10 pounds" clothes.)
Three and a half bags later...my sisters will have a hay-day.
They love hand-me-downs.

Also, we painted our condo a couple of weeks ago.
I've been waiting to post pictures though because I'm not done yet.  We still have some wallpaper to hang and then you can all see my vision come to life!

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